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Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are structured around the main functions of council. They are made up of elected councillors and other representatives of the social partners and other sectoral interests. 

Each SPC is chaired by an elected councillor and will be supported by a director of service. The task of the SPC is to assist and advise the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. The SPCs will not be concerned with individual representational or operational issues. Final policy decisions, however, will ultimately rest with the full council acting as a body. There are currently four SPCs in Clare County Council.

Strategic Policy Committees were established in line with revised guidelines published by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.  Strategic Policy Committees assist and advise the council in the formulation, development and review of policies.

A new draft SPC Scheme for the Strategic Policy Committee 2024-2029 was adopted in line with these guidelines, at the July 2024 Council Meeting.

Submissions/comments on the draft scheme may be made on our community engagement platform not later than 12 noon on Friday 23rd August 2024.

Page last reviewed: 10/07/24

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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