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Services in Killaloe Municipal District office

The range of services available in the municipal districts include:

  • Assisting with queries from councillors
  • Local and regional road maintenance
  • Acceptance of housing applications
  • Dealing with housing queries
  • Pre-planning meetings
  • Playgrounds
  • Litter management
  • Receipt of rents and queries on rents
  • Queries on charges for septic tank inspections, litter fines, waste management queries
  • Parking permits applications
  • Public toilets maintenance
  • Provision, maintenance and upgrading of public lighting
  • Applications for road opening licenses
  • Street cleaning
  • Application for temporary road closures
  • Traffic management
  • Car parking management
  • Maintenance of car parks
  • School wardens
  • Town parks and open spaces
  • Administration
  • Casual trading
  • Online motor tax
  • General local maintenance
  • All payment receipting facilities

Page last reviewed: 16/01/24

Content managed by: Killaloe Municipal District

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