Econnecting - Greener and Closer Communities
ECONNECTING is an international network of cities financed by the European URBACT IV program which aims to develop new sustainable mobility strategies between urban and rural areas, putting the environmental and social sustainability of transport at the centre.

The network aims to achieve these objectives:
- "30 minute" territories
- Green communities
- "Humanized" and sustainable mobility
- Welcoming and accessible cities
- Governance and "good governance"
The Union of Romagna Faentina is the lead partner of this project, together with 8 other European cities:
- Ormoz (SVN)
- Nagykallo (HUN)
- Western Mani (GRC)
- CIM La Viseu dao Lafoes (PRT)
- Tori Vallavalitsus (EST)
- Orihuela (ESP)
- Ennis Municipal District, Clare County Council (IRL)
- Berane (MNE)
To keep up and not miss any news on this journey which will last until December 2025, visit the dedicated page, see link below:
Page last reviewed: 30/11/23
Content managed by: Ennis Municipal District
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