‘Third Stage’: an exhibition by Larisa K. Jourdan
Clare Arts Office, in conjunction with Cultúrlann Sweeney Library Gallery, is delighted to present ‘Third Stage’, an art exhibition by Larisa K. Jourdan (Formerly known as Larisa K. Bevillard).

Venue: Cultúrlann Sweeney Library Gallery, Kilkee, Co. Clare
Date: 27th May to 24th June 2024, inclusive
Larisa is a professional visual artist and alumnus of the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, and Griffith College, Dublin.
She works primarily in oils and has been painting and drawing since early childhood. Her artwork covers a broad and diverse range of subject matter. She has been teaching art professionally in Ennis since 2009.
She owns and operates Restore, an art gallery and restoration shop in Ennis town centre, and in addition to her painting she restores paintings, sculptures, statues, antiques and collectibles across the country.
This free exhibition will run from 27th May to 24th June, 2024, inclusive, and everyone is welcome.
Page last reviewed: 30/05/24
Content managed by: Arts Office
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