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October meeting 2016


  • Michael Hehir, Local Resident

Committee Members

  • Perry Long, Local Resident
  • Sheila Mc Tigue, Mike Mc Tigue Community Centre
  • Dominic Keating, Inagh Development Co Ltd
  • Tom Long, Local Resident

Council Officials

  • John Leahy
  • Clare McGrath
  • Maeve Ryan

Main Points

The Chairman introduced and welcomed John Leahy, Senior Engineer – who will now be attending in place of Paul Moroney.

Minutes of meeting held on 13th April 2016

  • Proposed by Dominic Keating
  • Seconded by Sheila McTigue

Matters Arising from Minutes

Perry Long asked about the forestry plan. Maeve Ryan responded – the felling will be done in small sections, with each area being replanted. The buffer zone will be maintained. Where felling is required here, the work will be done in phases and replanting will be carried out immediately.

Perry Long asked when is the final sealing of Phase 3? Maeve again replied stating that a closure plan must now be submitted to the EPA. This is a priority at the moment. A plan would be prepared by Clare Co Co – Maeve & John to follow this up.

Perry queried the situation re methane gas levels. Maeve confirmed that the gas flare is running 24/7. Perry was concerned that the gas would eventually be allowed free to air – Maeve confirmed that this would not be allowed by Clare Co Co or the EPA. 

Odour Management

There were no issues reported. 


The list of correspondence between CCC & the EPA was circulated.

The summary of the leachate removed was circulated.

Community Fund - Clare McGrath circulated the information on the Final Distribution of Community Funds. 54k is available to support community based environmental projects. An evaluation panel was agreed – this will comprise of Chairman, Catherine Dalton UL, Co Co rep Etain McCooey, 3 members of CLMC and 1 rep from Leader. The CLMC members were circulated with nomination forms to fill the 3 committee places. These must be returned to Clare McGrath by October 14th. If more that 3 committee members are interested in being on the evaluation committee, a vote will be needed. A special meeting of the committee, with the sole agenda of the panel vote, will be held on Wed 2nd November 2016, if needed. All CLMC committee members absent from this meeting will be circulated with the information forthwith.

Any other business

Sheila McTigue asked if the forestry project on the site generates funds? Maeve replied stating that some of the funds generated will be used for replanting. 

Perry Long asked if Clare Co Co would arrange cutting of the grass verges along the N85 in the Inagh area. This is a matter for the Roads Dept & Clare will pass on the request. 

Maeve pointed out that the grass verges in the direct vicinity of the BDB entrance are maintained at the request of local residents.

Date of next meeting

Wednesday, 1st March 2017.

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Content Last Updated/Reviewed: 14/03/18