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Traffic management arrangements for Killaloe Bypass/Shannon Bridge Crossing/R494 Upgrade

Traffic management arrangements for the Killaloe Bypass, Shannon Bridge Crossing and R494 Improvement Scheme.

Traffic Management Arrangements - Tipperary

Notice 1 - R494 Section 1 - CH 0030 - 190 - 28th June 2024 to early September 2024

Notice 2  - R494 Section 4 & 5 - 28th June to mid October 2024

Traffic Management Arrangements - Clare

Notice 1 - R463 Shantraud Roundabout New Layout - Shuttle System - June  2024 to early August 2024

Notice 2 - Hill Road Temporary Alignment - Phase 2 - June 2024 to early July 2024

Notice 3 -  Creeveroe Road Staggered Junction - New Alignment - June 2024 to late July 2024

Notice 4 - R463 Kincora Roundabout Works Phase 3 Updated - 7 June 2024 to early July 2024

Notice 5 - Temporary Diversion on Clarisford Road Junction early May - end of June/early July 2024

Page last reviewed: 16/07/24

Content managed by: Capital Projects

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