Construction Contracts Signed for Gort Road Housing Development
Clare County Council has appointed Coolsivna Construction Ltd. as contractor for the construction of a 20-unit social housing development on the Gort Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.

This development is being funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and is scheduled for completion in 2025. Construction is expected to commence on this project later this month. The new development will be made up of one, two, three and four-bedroom homes and will include a number of specially adapted units.
Deputy Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Noeleen Fitzgerald, said, “These 20 housing units are part of an ambitious housing programme for the county and will make a significant contribution to the Council’s efforts to meet the housing need of applicants. This development is just one of the projects being delivered as part of Clare County Council’s housing programme which includes turnkey builds, acquisitions, buy and renew, approved housing body build and acquisition, and vacant property refurbishment. All these measures are co-ordinated, supported and delivered by the Housing team in Clare County Council to provide new homes for those on the social housing list.”
Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Councillor Alan O’Callaghan, said he was encouraged by the progress being made in the delivery of social housing in County Clare, “The addition of this development continues the positive progress that has been achieved to date in Clare to address housing need. I look forward to seeing the completion and future occupancy of these homes, and to continued progress in housing delivery across the county.”
Jason Murphy, Director of Service, Social Housing Directorate, added, “I am delighted to see this scheme progress to the delivery stage. The project reflects the efforts of our team, working with our councillors and our colleagues in the Department of Housing in their ongoing commitment to meeting the housing need in County Clare. This project also reflects our commitment to providing safe and sustainable homes for local families. We look forward to seeing this development progress to completion.”
The project design team, managed by the Social Development Directorate in Clare County Council, includes Vincent Hannon Architects; Hassett Leyden Flynn and Associates, in the capacity of civil and structural engineers; Moloney Fox Consulting Engineers, as mechanical and electrical engineers; and Rogerson Reddan, as quantity surveyors.
Page last reviewed: 10/09/24
Content managed by: Housing Department
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